Gunnar Larsen

Gunnar Otterbech Larsen ( born February 5, 1900 in Kristiania, † November 5, 1958 in Oslo) was a Norwegian writer, translator and journalist. He was editor and since 1954 chief editor of the newspaper Dagbladet.

Life and work

Gunnar Larsen studied from 1918 to 1923 Jura. In 1920 he gave up the student magazine " Akademisk Revy ". After his studies he worked as a journalist. In 1926 he translated Hemingway's first major novel Fiesta, which influenced later Larsens writing style. In 1930 he was settled editor at the daily newspaper Dagbladet. He coined henceforth the newspaper by his new style, enhanced the cultural part and gave young writers more publishing opportunities.

His first novel I published summer 1932 ( German translation 1933: In the summer ). A year later, he published his second book, the detective novel To crap sink celled people.Conference (two suspicious persons), a documentary novel, which is based on an actual incident, namely the murder in 1926 of a sheriff. The work caused a sensation and was made ​​into a film in 1950.

" Almost everything in this novel is action and concrete observation - by the description of the exterior senses, what is going on inside the people. In no other work of Norwegian literature, the true Hemingway style is so consistently performed as here. "

Location of the plot of his novel Week-end i evigheten ( 1948 radio play 1960) are the forests north of Oslo. Two different types of action runs, a deposed in italics are associated with each other. Here he is as the author of pioneering a later literary movement.

Larsen worked on numerous pieces for the theater (among other Lysistrata by Aristophanes ) and translated 16 novels, among other Hemingways The Snows of Kilimanjaro and Across the River and Into the Trees. In 1949 he was awarded the " Gyldendals legacy ". In 1954, he was editor of Dagbladet. In 1958 he died of cancer and was buried at Vår Frelsers Gravlund in Oslo.

