Gunnar Tolnæs

Gunnar Tolnæs ( born December 7, 1879 in Oslo, † November 9, 1940 ) was a Norwegian actor, a star of the Danish silent film.

Life and work

The from Christiana, now Oslo, originating Tolnæs had first studied law and then medicine, which he completed the state exam. Since 1906 Tolnæs appeared on stages from 1908 to 1916 and was a cast member of the Oslo Nationaltheatret. In 1913, he met in Sweden to film. After his first works has seen some success and Tolnæs had risen to the star of ' Svenska ', signed him in 1915 the Copenhagen film company Nordisk and built it up at her next Psilander Valdemar main driving force.

Soon the handsome actor was set with the most stringent view on roles of worthy men and cultivated, sometimes adventurous, sometimes mysterious gentlemen in dramas and melodramas. Above all, his main role of an interplanetary space pilots in " The sky ship" and the title role of the maharajas in the first two parts of the exotic adventure drama " The favorite wife of the Maharajah " brought Tolnæs incredibly wide popularity one - also in Germany. In 1920, Gunnar Tolnaes the reputation of the German director Max Mack to Berlin and took over the lead role in the third part of the ' Maharadscha' trilogy.

Tolnaes remained in Germany, but always returned for one or the other film to Copenhagen or Stockholm. With the dawn of the talkie era his film career had ended and Tolnæs returned home to Oslo, where he only played from 1929 to 1939 the theater. He had success there, especially in Ibsen plays, but also as a chivalrous gentleman and lover in operettas and comedies.

Filmography (selection)
