Gustav Mann

Gustav Mann ( born January 20, 1836 in Hannover, † June 22, 1916 in Munich) was a German botanist. Its official botanical author abbreviation is " G.Mann ".

Gustav Mann in 1859 gardener at the Royal Botanic Gardens ( Kew ) in London. He was sent from Kew botanist with the Royal Navy to West Africa, where he was to replace the diseased Charles Barter on his expedition along the Niger. He was (then Fernando Poo ) stationed in Bioko and sent from there to the British warships that were used in the fight against the slave trade, regularly both living and dried plants and reports on his activities to England. He ascended to Fernando Poo the local highest volcanic peaks.

In addition, he visited Victoria in what is now Cameroon and twice the Mount Cameroon. The summit of this volcano, he climbed on his third expedition along with Richard Francis Burton was the first European.

After Gustav man two plant genera, Manni Ella and Manniophyton, and a source at Mount Cameroon, Mann's Spring, are named.
