Guyang County

The circle Guyang (Chinese固 阳县, Pinyin Guyang Xiàn ) is a district of the prefecture-level city of Baotou in the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region of the People's Republic of China. It has an area of 5021 km ² and has 210,000 inhabitants ( 2004). Its main town is the large village Jinshan (金山 镇).

Administrative Divisions

At the community level, the circle of six large municipalities is composed. These are:

  • Greater community Jinshan金山 镇
  • Greater community Xidoupu西 斗 铺镇
  • Greater community Xingshunxi兴顺 西 镇
  • Greater community Yinhao银 号 镇
  • Greater community Huaishuo怀 朔 镇
  • Greater community Xiashihao下 湿 壕 镇