
The Gyakuzuki [ ˌ gjakɯ zɯkɪ ] (Japanese逆 突き, gyakuzuki ) is an attack technique. This is used in many Budo disciplines, eg in karate or aikido. It is an embodiment of the Chokuzuki (straight punch to the front).

After a step forward ( the position Zenkutsudachi or Sanchindachi ) a straight punch is reciprocally to each front leg run forward ( Chudan or Jodan ), the hip is rotated and the hip rotation support the burst. The Gyakuzuki is the counterpart to the Oizuki, wherein the impact to the front leg is performed equilateral.

In use, the two variants are performing the step and the shock simultaneously or to support the shock (without step ) by a simultaneous forward sliding of the entire body and the legs.
