György Budaházy

György Budaházy ( born June 3, 1969 in Budapest) is a Hungarian right-wing extremist, who together with László Toroczkai founded the nationalist organization Hunnia 2006. This rejects both the accession of Hungary to the European Union in 2004 and the Treaty of Trianon and calls for a Greater Hungary in the borders before 1920.

After primary school and high school György Budaházy studied mechanical engineering, but graduated in 1992 from no avail. He then worked as a waiter. At this time he joined the MDF ( Hungarian Democratic Forum ).

In 1997 he married his wife, Bernadett, with whom he has three children (* 1999, 2001 and 2006).

Budaházy became famous with his new organization by numerous acts of violence with Molotov cocktails.

György Budaházy is imprisoned for various offenses since 2009 militant in custody.
