Gysbert Japiks

Gysbert Japicx or Gysbert Japiks (* 1603 in Bolsward, Friesland, † 1666 ) was a Dutch- Frisian significant writers of the Renaissance. According to him, the Gysbert Japicxpriis is named.

Gysbert Japicx worked until his death as a teacher and cantor in Bolsward. Japicx appreciate the ancient writer Ovid and Horace and finally debuted in 1640 with their own stories and poems in Frisian ( Fries Tjerne ). Japicx thus showed that the Frisian could also be used as language of poetry use. Posthumously published 1688 Fryske rijmlerye.

Gysbert Japicx founded with his works in the 17th century a modern Frisian language and literature helped so with the modern West Frisian standard language to mold.
