H-frame tower

A portal mast is an electricity pylon, in which lie the bars with the conductor cables at least two supports. Portal masts can be constructed as wooden pole, concrete pole, steel tube pole or lattice tower. They are in Germany because of their larger space requirement generally only for credits masts, which must withstand high tensile forces, and as bases for cables used in switchgear (credit portal). Portal masts have two structures in general. There are also poles with three or more structures, such as the Masttripel of Zaporizhia.

By function: Pylon | Abspannmast | Far Abspannmast | Verdrillmast | Junction mast | credits Portal | finishers | Pole transformer | Pole isolator

By Material: Wooden Mast | concrete poles | steel tube mast | lattice boom

On the arrangement of conductors: Portal Mast | Delta mast | A Bene mast | Danube mast | three-level pole | tons Mast | fir mast

According to site: roof rack | intersection mast

By purpose: Rail power pole | Catenary Mast | Hybrid mast | Telephone Pole | telegraph pole

  • Design ( pylon )