Hackney Horse

The Hackney ( norman haquenée for campers or Passgänger ) is a grown as a representative coach horse and not as a workhorse primarily trotters.

Background information on the evaluation and breeding horses can be found at: exterior, interior and horse breeding.


The Hackney is an elegant and easy Karossierpferdrasse with extreme knee action. The name has been used since the Middle Ages for light use or multi- purpose horses, and later he called rental or Droschkenpferde. Today it is mainly used as a show horse for carriage rides.


Spirited, lively and willing to work. A striking feature of this breed is the trot gait. Here, the horse between steps seems ever to have a little break to make it look as if the hooves barely touching the ground. Due to the strong emphasis on the striking trot in the breeding of this breed is, however, almost got lost, the normal step. Therefore, it is rarely used in international driving competitions.

Breeding history

Breeding has been strengthened in the field of trotters races and bred from breeds such as the Yorkshire Trotter and the Norfolk Trotter, the slight Hackney through increased interest in the population at conspicuous coach sidecars in the late 18th century. After several attempts since 1845 had failed to establish a breeding association, it finally came in 1883 establishing the Hackney Horse Society and to create a studbook for English trotters in Norwich. Thus, the different trotter breeds in East Anglia were combined into one race. As long distances have already been completed at the time often with the railroad and no longer with teams of horses, the breed developed rapidly from a persistent driving force with powerful hindquarters to a representative coach horse with extreme knee action.
