
As Hemobilia is called a hemorrhage within the bile ducts, most with leakage of blood from the major duodenal papilla ( papilla of Vater ). It can occur as a result of a liver biopsy or a contusion of the liver. Here, a false aneurysm and thus a connection between an artery and a liver bile duct is formed ( arteriobiliäre fistula ).

Hemobilia may cause in the gastrointestinal tract with bloody vomiting or melena, among others, abdominal pain, jaundice and bleeding. The diagnosis is made by means of duodenoscopy, Endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography and Zöliakographie.

Minor injuries of the hepatic artery usually heal spontaneously, the blood clot within the bile ducts is gradually dissolved. With a larger Hemobilia the injured artery to be closed surgically.
