
Hajj (m.) / Hāddscha ( w. ) (Arabic الحاج, DMG al - ḥāǧǧ, Persian حاجى Hajji ) is an honorary title of a person who has made ​​the Hajj ( the Muslim pilgrimage to Mecca ). The word in this sense is also part of proper names.

Even in the Greek and Bulgarian (s) exists the honorary title of Pilgrimage Holiday. Even today put many names that Χατζής ( Chatzis ) in Greek and Хаджи ( Haji / Hadji ), or Хаджия ( Hadschija / Chadschija ) contained in Bulgarian, testimony of pilgrimage of Orthodox Christians to Jerusalem. Those who had completed the pilgrimage, could henceforth call Χατζής / Хаджи. In Bulgaria, the title was up to the spelling reform of 1945 specified as an abbreviation in front of the family name, eg Иван х. Петров / Ivan Petrov say. Since the spelling reform it is written as part of the family name: Иван Хаджипетров / Ivan Hadschipetrow.

This syncretism of cultures exist (s) in Iran. Community members of the Iranian Jews who have made a pilgrimage to Jerusalem, are entitled to wear this honorary title.
