
The Hakusan National Park (Japanese白山国 立 公园, Hakusan Kokuritsu Kōen ) is a Japanese National Park and is located on the island of Honshu about 100 km north of Kyoto. It was founded in 1962 and covers an area of 477 square kilometers, extending across the prefectures of Fukui, Gifu, Ishikawa and Toyama. The area was recognized in 1980 by UNESCO as a Biosphere Reserve.

Landscape and vegetation

The landscape is dominated by hill country with sometimes steep slopes. From November to April is snow, which may be 4-5 m deep in places regularly. The predominant vegetation type are deciduous forests that are dominated in the upper layers of notch - Book, below of Mongolian oak. In addition, herbaceous communities occur, for example at locations where slopes are slipped. Next up is dominated by coniferous forests. The area is dominated by Haku - san, a 2,702 m high volcano.


Among the larger animals of the region include the Japanese Asiatic, the Macaque, Honshu sika deer and Japanese serow. Among the birds are particularly conspicuous of Nepal hawk eagle and the golden eagle.
