
Half Moon is a municipality in the district of Aurich in Ostfriesland Hage in. Half Moon has 996 inhabitants and covers an area of 6.55 square kilometers.

In Half Moon is the motodrome Half Moon, in the speedway ( motorcycle racing ) take place. The German racing driver Egon Müller was there on September 4, 1983 as the first and only German Speedway World Champion.


The place names Halbemond is probably due to an incorrect Eindeutschung of the East Frisian Halvemaanland ( Half Allmendfeld Eland ). Another interpretation of the name derives from the crescent shape of the village.


Parish council

The Council of the Municipality Halbemond Council consists of eleven women and councilors. This is the set number for the member community of integrated municipality with a population of 1001-2000 people. The 11 council members are elected through local elections for five years. The current term of office began on 1 November 2011.

The last local elections on September 11, 2011 gave the following result:

The turnout in the local elections of 2011 was 54.43 %, slightly above the Lower Saxony average of 52.5 %. For comparison - in the previous local elections on 10 September 2006, the turnout was 61.86 %.

Coat of arms

" The coat of arms of the town shows in blue a ungesichteten golden crescent. "
