Hallstein Doctrine

The Hallstein Doctrine was a foreign policy doctrine of the Federal Republic of Germany from 1955 until 1969., You said that the establishment of diplomatic relations with the German Democratic Republic by third States as " an unfriendly act " against the Federal Republic must be considered. The countermeasures of the Federal Republic were not fixed. That indicates a wide range of economic sanctions to the severing of diplomatic relations with the country concerned was possible. The aim was to isolate the GDR foreign policy.

The social-liberal coalition under Willy Brandt was on the Hallstein Doctrine. She was always more difficult to handle and also restricted the West German foreign policy.

Basis of the doctrine was the sole representative, the view that the Federal Republic is the only legitimate representative of the German people; however, neither the German People's Congress nor the government in the socialist GDR had been democratically. The fact that only the Federal Republic of Germany must represent the Germans internationally and there is even a German national, was derived from the former Preamble of the Constitution.

Named, the doctrine according to Walter Hallstein (CDU ), Secretary of State at the Foreign office from 1951 until 1958. Hallstein itself is not the author, it is rather a formulation of Wilhelm Grewe, Director of the Political Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, from September 23, 1955 back.


In September 1955, the Federal Republic of Germany took during the Moscow visit of Konrad Adenauer established diplomatic relations with the Soviet Union; before the contact with the eastern victorious power had always been guided over the allied Western powers. Actually, the Federal Republic was the so-called people's democracies (with their relations with the GDR ) does not recognize, however, the Soviet Union declared because of their importance to the exception. With a view to the two People's Republics of Poland and Hungary, the Hallstein Doctrine was formulated and first publicly announced in December of the same year at a conference of ambassadors in Bonn: The recording or maintenance of diplomatic relations with the GDR was part of the Federal Republic of Germany as an unfriendly act ( acte peu amical ) seen and usually answered with the termination or non- establishment of diplomatic relations. According to the sole representative of only the Federal Republic have held the democratic legitimacy to speak abroad for the German people.

Model for the doctrine, both the refusal of the United States of America to take in the first years after the establishment of communism in the Soviet Union and China with those States diplomatic contacts, as well as the actions of the governments in the equally Divided States Korea and Vietnam. Counterpart to the Hallstein Doctrine by the GDR was the so-called Ulbricht Doctrine.

The controversial Hallstein Doctrine was in the West German policy mainly because it was feared that States which had already been recognized diplomatically the GDR, in turn, could refuse contact with the Federal Republic, which could lead to a West German insulation. Has also been discussed as early 1956 in Bonn on a cautious rapprochement with Poland, became the Hallstein Doctrine in the criticism. In the winter of 1957, the German Democratic Republic in Cairo opened an office that would be responsible for the diplomatic contact with the entire Arab world, the Federal Republic did not turn to the Hallstein Doctrine.

Already at the conference of foreign ministers of the victorious powers in 1959 in Geneva attended by two German delegations. At the round table of the Four Powers had two other tables zoom moved, a. Near the Soviet, the other near the U.S. delegation

Were actually severed diplomatic relations only twice. , In the case of the non-aligned, but a socialist government of Yugoslavia in 1957, the German government broke diplomatic ties with Yugoslavia against protests from the CDU from. Contract payments but were continued and maintained a consulate general in the country. On January 14, 1963, the diplomatic contacts with socialist Cuba Fidel Castro were canceled after the state had recognized the GDR.

Conversely learned the Federal Republic of like when she recognized Israel in 1965. Nasser had invited Walter Ulbricht to Cairo and received with great honors as a head of state. Although Nasser stated that he could not recognize the GDR, unfortunately, but still presented the Federal Republic of the German economic aid to Egypt and established diplomatic relations with Israel. Then broke nine Arab states off relations with West Germany, but did not realize - what had been feared - the GDR.

First, only DDR trade delegations have been established in some countries of the region. To a wave of recognition of the GDR in the Arab world, it came only in 1969, after East Berlin had a clear position against Israel since the Middle East Conflict 1967: Iraq, where in 1968 the Baath Party came to power, became the first Arab country diplomatic relations with the GDR.

In addition, a kind of race between the two German states in which everyone tried first possible build with many countries established diplomatic relations, so as to outdo each other's state developed. Most so economic and development concessions were connected. Objectives of this approach were the third world countries, many of which at this time of colonies were independent states. A particularly striking example of this race was the so-called Guinea- crisis: As the African country of Guinea became independent in 1958, the two German States, there to place an ambassador tried. The GDR established a trade mission, and shortly thereafter the West German ambassador began working in Guinea. However, in 1960 Guinea sent an ambassador to the GDR. The federal government immediately withdrew its ambassador from Guinea, on which the Guinean government announced that it had never sent an ambassador to East Berlin. The relations between the Federal Republic of Germany and Guinea were restored, the GDR 's foreign policy was damaged.

Similar effects had the Hallstein Doctrine at various international events, such as sports competitions, in which West German diplomats tried to prevent the absorption of the East German flag and the playing of the GDR anthem. In the Ice Hockey World Championship in March 1961 in Geneva, the team of the Federal Republic of Germany joined on the advice of the Foreign Office not to the game against the GDR, because they would have had to pay homage otherwise the anthem and the flag of the GDR. The game was 5-0 in favor counted the GDR and the Federal Republic of the team ended up in last place of their group.

After Adenauer

In October 1963 ended with the resignation of Konrad Adenauer, the Adenauer era; the Cabinet Adenauer V followed the Cabinet Erhard I. After the general election in 1965, Ludwig Erhard no absolute majority anymore, he formed a coalition with the FDP (Cabinet Erhard II on November 30, 1966, he resigned. Kiesinger formed a grand coalition (Cabinet Kiesinger ), after the election In 1969, the SPD Chancellor Willy Brandt for the first time.

In the first half of the 1960s (1961, the Berlin Wall was built ) began a reorientation of Ostpolitik. Thus, the Hallstein Doctrine was applied increasingly inconsistent with Erhard and Kiesinger: After the birth defect theory raised to indicate that the satellite states of the Soviet Union were the relations with the GDR received not willingly, but under Soviet pressure; so a trade mission was in 1967, for example, in Romania set up. Since 1967 ( exchange of ambassadors with Romania in 1967, the resumption of diplomatic relations with Yugoslavia in January 1968) the Hallstein Doctrine in the context of the "new Ostpolitik " was to 1969 gradually reduced and finally abandoned after 1970. In autumn 1969, the new Chancellor Brandt coined a groundbreaking formula, saying, "two states of a nation in Germany ".

Finally, the contract recognized on the basis of relations between the Federal Republic of Germany and the German Democratic Republic ( the Master Agreement ) of December 1972, the existence of the other German state, and determined that none of the two German states, the other represented internationally by or on behalf can act. Henceforth, the non-socialist countries went from a de facto recognition of the GDR to a de jure recognition.

But even after the relaxation of the German -German relations and the inclusion of both states in the UN on September 18, 1973 was primarily the view remains that the Federal Republic of Germany, the sole legitimate representative of the entire German people is because they under international law identical to the German was rich. Added to this was the democratic legitimacy of the federal government.

In Chile, announced during the election campaign 1969/70 the presidential candidate of the socialist electoral alliance Unidad Popular, Salvador Allende, that he or Chile will in the event of an election victory, the GDR, Cuba, China, North Vietnam and recognize North Korea diplomatically. The election on 4 September 1970 he won; in April 1971 the GDR was recognized. Strong man in the GDR at that time was Walter Ulbricht and Erich Honecker believed him, the more countries would recognize the state of East Germany, the stronger would be the division of Germany and the rule of the SED. The Federal Government (Cabinet Brandt I) summoned its ambassador Horst Osterheld " for consultations " back. German Foreign Minister Walter Scheel suggested against Chile " to show no undue hardship". The Hallstein Doctrine and the sole representative of the Federal Republic of Germany for quite evidently were considered barriers to the policy of détente.

One-China policy

A similarly oriented policy pursued to date, the People's Republic of China with respect to the Republic of China ( Taiwan), which is regarded as a province of China ( one-China policy). As most countries want to avoid the severance of diplomatic relations with the People's Republic of China, Taiwan is internationally recognized by only a few states, although it has all the other attributes of an independent state ( "stabilized de facto regime ").
