Hamburgischer Correspondent

The Hamburg Correspondent was the first regularly published in Hamburg newspaper.


The first publisher of the newspaper was Hermann Heinrich Hollen from Schiffbek. From 1712 to 1714 he was the first " Holstein Zeitungscorrespondenten " out. On 29 April 1721, the newspaper appeared again as " Holsteinischer Correspondent". As of 1724, the newspaper said Hamburgischer Correspondent.

1731 Hollen handed the newspaper to his son Georg Christian reason. After his death, the newspaper was owned by the family of the " Grund'schen heirs ".

The newspaper has long been the " most widely read and influential face of Europe ".

In the period of the Weimar Republic, the paper was published by the Hamburg Stock Exchange Halle GmbH and served as Party newspaper the People's Party ( DVP ). The support of earlier years was not achieved. In 1934 the journal was taken over by the publisher Hermann's heirs and only appeared as a subtitle of the Hamburg news.
