
Hamengkubuwono (also Hamengkubuwana ) is the name of the ruling dynasty of the sultans in the Indonesian region of Yogyakarta. The Sultanate of Yogyakarta was built in 1755 in the division of the kingdom of Mataram and fell during the 19th century under the patronage of the Dutch East Indies. After the independence of Indonesia, the Sultan in 1950 Governor of the Yogyakarta region.

The list of rulers:

  • Hamengkubuwono I., Raden Mas actually Sujanam, also known as Prince Mangkubumi, first Sultan of Yogyakarta (1755-1792)
  • Hamengkubuwono II (1792-1810 and 1811-1812)
  • Hamengkubuwono III. (1810-1811 and 1812-1814)
  • Hamengkubuwono IV (1814-1823 and 1826-1828)
  • Hamengkubuwono V. (1823-1826 and 1828-1855)
  • Hamengkubuwono VI. (1855-1877)
  • Hamengkubuwono VII (1877-1921)
  • Hamengkubuwono VIII (1921-1939)
  • Hamengkubuwono IX. (1940-1988)
  • Hamengkubuwono X. (since 1989)