Hammadid dynasty

The Hammadids (Arabic بنو حماد, DMG Banū Hammad ) were dynasty in eastern Algeria. They were from 1015 to 1152 in power.

The kingdom of Hammadids was founded in 1014 by Hammad ibn Buluggin ( 1014-1028 ) a relative of the ruling Zirids in Ifriqiya Badis ibn Ziri ( 995-1016 ). With the declaration of independence and the Abbasids were recognized as rightful Caliphs. While there were battles with the Zirids, but these could not resubmit the Hammadids and had to recognize their independence in 1018.

Due to the weakening of the Zirids by the invasion of the Bedouin of the Banu Hilal after 1051 there was a brief revival of the empire when refugees from Ifriqiya in Algeria settled. 1063 failed to invade Sicily in favor of Islam in Italy. The Hilal Bedouin also made the realms of Hammadids increasingly uncertain, so that the capital of al - Qala had to be relocated to 1067 Bidschaya to the coast. There won in addition to the maritime trade and piracy on the economy in importance. While there was with the help of the Banu Hilal stopped the Almoravids ( 1080 ) and their conquests are limited to western Algeria. The Bedouins were not permanently controlled, so that the decline of the empire began, until it was conquered by the Almohad 1152.

The importance of Hammadids can be seen in the fact that they established the independent state development in the central Maghreb and were able to successfully asserted against the Zirids in Tunisia and the Almoravids in Morocco. Among them, the coastal towns gained increasingly in importance as the back country was controlled by the troubled Bedouin tribes.


  • Hammad ibn Buluggin (1014-1028)
  • Al - Qaid ibn Buluggin (1028-1054)
  • Al - Muschin ibn al- Qaid (1054-1055)
  • Buluggin ibn Muhammad (1055-1062)
  • An-Nasir ibn Alumnas (1062-1088)
  • Al - Mansur ibn al-Nasir (1088-1104)
  • Badis ibn al - Mansur ( 1104)
  • Abd al- Aziz ibn al - Mansur (1104-1121)
  • Yahya ibn Abd al - Aziz (1121-1152)