Hamster ball

A jogging ball (also hamster ball, hamster ball or jogging ball ) is a so-called animal toys for hamsters and other small animals.


A jogging ball is a semi- closed plastic ball in which the hamster is disabled. Does the hamster inside the ball, so the ball moves in the direction of the hamster. Especially in children and pet owners who can not make hamster sure their apartment or want, these balls are popular because a hamster, unlike in a wheel, "free" walking around in them, but can not hide in small corners and not the apartment or yourself at risk (eg by nibbling of power cables ).

Criticism from animal welfare organizations

Running balls are sold as an alternative outlet shape, although among other animal protection groups on the hazard report hamster ball. Also from the Veterinary Association for Animal Welfare, the hamster ball is classified as animal protection law. The German animal welfare association called hamster balls as "non- animal-friendly " toy "significant risk of injury entails ". A similar evaluation are the Zoologischer Central Association trade associations from Germany eV.

Is criticized in particular:

  • The hamster is included in these spheres and could easily panicked. His response is even faster running. If the ball is made of colorful plastic, it is hardly possible to detect any possible panic reactions correctly.
  • Since the hamster brings its forward movement the ball rolling and this is a foreign body, the hamster can not stop abruptly, because the ball is still in a forward motion. Thus, it is not uncommon that the hamster is thrown around in the ball.
  • Especially when the hamster panics, the air entering only through small slits in the ball are quickly running out. The hamster gets then more panic, leading to a vicious circle.
  • Hamsters can not see through the wall of the sphere, especially since they are short-sighted anyway. Therefore, it can easily happen that they run at high speed against an obstacle and get hurt.
  • In addition, the hamster can not use his sense of touch to explore the area.

Particularly criticized variants that emphasize the toy character. The effect of these variegated balls that hamsters can be guided even worse, and animate the children, which they consider to have the hamsters act contrary to their natural circadian rhythm diurnal.
