Hand of God (art)


The Hand of God is a very old and widespread religious symbol for the power of God.

Already in ancient Egypt, gods were awarded by gestural representations blessing and protection functions, as well as the power to punish, as the sign of Ka

Can be seen.

In Hindu-Buddhist area of ​​the hand of God a special significance in the mudra gesture.


In the Bible, the recourse to the religious beliefs of the ancient Near East, the Old and New Testament, God's hand expression of the power of the court or even the help of God. In particular, the right hand of God is particular strength attributed (Ex 15.6 EU); the side to the right hand is considered the most honorable place (Ps 110.3 EU ) ( EU Acts 2:33 ), which was included in the formulation of the Apostles' Creed: " He sits at the right hand of God."

Old Testament

The term hand of God as a power attribute is used in the Old Testament about 200 times. The Hand of God founded the earth and stretched out the heavens (Isaiah 45,11 f EU), (Isa 48,13 EU). Israel learns his fate caused as the hand of God. When directed Israel's exodus from Egypt God the people with outstretched hand from slavery to freedom (Ex 13.3 EU ), etc. Israel praises the deeds that has accomplished hand of God ( Ps 89.11 f EU). Even as an individual Machterweis comes God's hands into play if they run with special forces endows ( 2 Kgs 3.15 EU), or the prophets to their office as it " seized " ( Ez 1.3 EU) Elijah the prophet.

New Testament

The New Testament uses the term hand of God as a quotation or allusion to the Old Testament usage: God's hand in creation (Acts 7.50 EU), in the story engagingly ( Lk 1,66 EU) helping punitive (Acts 13:11 EU) or warning (Hebrews 10,31 EU).


Since the Divinisierung Emperor Constantine, it is to be taken in the coin design. Until the Middle Ages was often a representative from the clouds stretched hand shown for fear of a pictorial representation of God or anthropomorphic representation of God the Father. Examples can be found among others in illuminated manuscripts and early ivory carvings.


Michelangelo, God created Adam with his hand

Roman sarcophagus, Noah under God's hand

Andrea Mantegna: The Sacrifice of Isaac with protective hand of God

Stained glass, Gotland: Jesus in Gethsemane at the hands of God

Dürer: Salvator Mundi, the right hand of Christ as a blessing hand, the left holding a globe
