Hans Aebli

Hans Aebli ( born August 6, 1923 in Zurich, † July 26, 1990 in Burgdorf ) was a Swiss theorist and researcher in the field of development and psychology of thinking, learning psychology and the psychology of behavior at the University of Bern.


He has the academic teaching and learning made ​​more transparent by having developed on the basis of his theory of thinking and understanding and resulting from the actions of concept formation a modern psychological teaching. His particular interest was the cognitive psychological foundations of education. The operative method Aeblis aims at an action-oriented teaching where independently approach the students a problem and solve it step by step. He co-founded the method of operational learning in 9 steps:

Aeblis interest also was the professionalization of teachers and teacher education in Switzerland.


  • Didactique psychologique. Application à la didactique de la psychologie de Jean Piaget. Neuchâtel: Delachaux & Niestlé ( 1951). Dissertation, supervised by Jean Piaget. German: Psychological didactics. Didactic analysis of the psychology of Jean Piaget. Stuttgart: Klett, 1963 ( original 1951)

In his major work, basic forms of teaching, Aebli has worked for decades; it has appeared in very different versions:

  • Basic forms of teaching. A contribution to the psychological foundation of the teaching method. Stuttgart: Klett ( 1961).
  • Basic forms of teaching. A general didactics on cognitive psychological basis. Stuttgart: Klett ( completely revised, greatly expanded edition: 1976).

Last Aebli has divided the material in two volumes:

  • Twelve basic forms of teaching. A general didactics on a psychological basis. Stuttgart: Klett - Cotta (1983). ISBN 3-608-93044-2
  • Fundamentals of Teaching (Vol. 2 of the " Twelve Basic forms of teaching "). Stuttgart: Klett - Cotta (1987). ISBN 3-608-93116-3