Hans Gerhard Gräf

Hans Gerhard Graef ( born May 5, 1864 in Weimar, † 1942 in Jena ) was a German Goethe scholar.

Graef was born on 5 May 1864 in Weimar. Early on, he came to the editors of today basic " Weimar Edition " (WA). In this edition HG Graef worked mainly III. Department, namely Goethe's diaries - later made ​​selection spending it.

For his own lyrical talent two editions of his poems, the last band even be in two editions. Around the turn of the century Graef went to Wolfenbüttel at the Herzog August Bibliothek. There he worked on a standard work of the Goethe- research - the result was the " Graef " ( Goethe's printed remarks about his poetry ). Of poets and scholars lived again in his native city of Weimar in the following years.

A name also Graef made ​​by researching the local Goethe's relationship to Berka / Ilm (now Bad Berka ) and ed [ again v. Goethe's love poems by the compilation. v. Emil Staiger ] and a fist complete edition in the Insel-Verlag.

Apparently, through the mediation of Bartels, the writer in residence at Haessel in Leipzig, appeared in 1924 on his 60th birthday a very handsome Goethe- anthology, also unchanged in two editions. Later, Prof. Dr. Hans Gerhard Graef was still involved in Goethe Werkausgaben (thin printed issues ) of the island -Verlag. At the age he moved from Weimar to the nearby Jena, near Weimar, where he died in 1942.

Well due to the war the obituaries were only modest for the significant Goethe scholar, but his issues are still indispensable research literature.

Graef was the 1916 correspondence with Goethe's Christiane Vulpius out.
