Hans Joachim Bremermann

Hans Joachim Bremer Mann ( born September 14, 1926 in Bremen, † February 21, 1996 in Berkeley ) was a German - American mathematician and physicist who worked on quantum field theory and complex analysis.


Bremer, he studied at the Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität in Münster, where he obtained his master degree in mathematics and physics and received his doctorate in 1951 with Heinrich Behnke in complex analysis (functions of several complex variables ) (The characterization of Regularitätsgebieten by pseudoconvex functions). In 1952 he went as a post- doc at Stanford University and in 1953 at Harvard University. In 1954/55 he was back in Munster, after he had married the Romanistin Maria Perez- Ojed in the U.S. in 1954. 1955-1957 and 1958/1959 he was at the Institute for Advanced Study. In 1957/58 he was Assistant Professor at the University of Washington in Seattle. Here he became interested in mathematical models of evolution and heredity. From 1959 he was an associate professor of mathematics at the University of California, Berkeley, where he became in 1966 professor of mathematics and biophysics, but also with computer science employed ( complexity theory, pattern recognition, artificial intelligence) and back in the early 1960s, evolutionary algorithms anwandte. Also in the 1980s, he continued to work on mathematical models in biology, for example, parasitic behavior and the spread of diseases such as plant diseases and AIDS, cancer. In 1991 he retired. He died in 1996 from cancer.

In 1965 he took on U.S. citizenship.

In 1962 he was invited speaker at the International Congress of Mathematicians in Stockholm (Quantum theoretical limitations of data processing ).


In his dissertation in 1951 he treated a special case of Levi problem in the theory of several complex variables. Eugenio Elia Levi asked in 1910 whether each area is a pseudoconvex domain of holomorphy what Kiyoshi Oka 1942 proved for two complex variables. Bremen man later found a proof for any number of complex variable (On the equivalence of pseudoconvex areas and domains of holomorphy in the space of n complex variables, Mathematische Annalen, Bd.128, 1954, p.63 -91), and independent of him François Norguet.

Bremen man also developed in 1961 with L. Durand private access to the theory of distributions on boundary values ​​of analytic functions.

In 1957 he turned Methods of complex analysis in joint work with Reinhard Oehme and John Gerald Taylor in quantum field theory.

As mentioned above, he worked later especially with mathematical models of biology, for example, the simulation of the spread of AIDS.

According to him, the so-called Bremer man - limit is named. He led from the equivalence of mass and energy, E = mc ², and the uncertainty from the knowledge that can be the processing of symbols by a maximum speed of bit / gram / ​​second. In cryptography, this value provides the theoretical minimum length for a code, which in principle can not be solved by the brute force method of trying all the keys in a predetermined time period. For example, a computer the size and weight of the earth, who works at the Bremen man boundary, perform some calculations per second.


  • The characterization of Regularitätsgebieten by pseudoconvex functions, Dissertation 1951
  • Distributions, complex variables and Fourier Transforms, Addison -Wesley 1965
  • About the equivalence of pseudoconvex areas and domains of holomorphy in the space of n complex variables, Mathematische Annalen, Vol 128, 1954, p.63 -91 ( Levi- problem)