Hans Meyer Range


The Hans Meyer Mountains are a mountain range in the southern part of the island of New Ireland, Papua New Guinea. The highest elevation of the Hans Meyer Mountains is Mount Taron with a height of 2379 m. The Mount Taron is also the highest mountain of New Ireland. Located on the southern part of the wider New Ireland, runs the mountain range of the Hans Meyer Mountains, separated by the Weitin valley from the west-facing Verrongebirge ( Hahlgebirge ), parallel to this from north to south. The rainy area is drained by numerous, mostly short rivers, the most important rivers are the Kamdaru River and the Weitin River.

The island of New Ireland is dominated landscape of oil palm and coconut plantations. Only in the valleys of the Hans Meyer Mountains are still contiguous rainforests exist in which a variety of rare species of flora and fauna is home to high biodiversity.

The Hans Meyer Mountains was named after the German explorer, zoologist and first ascent of Mount Kilimanjaro Hans Meyer.
