Hans Molisch

Hans Molisch (December 6, 1856 in Brno, † December 8, 1937 in Vienna ) was an Austrian botanist. Its official botanical author abbreviation is " Molisch ".


From 1876 he studied Natural Sciences in Vienna. Before university professor in Graz in 1889, he had undertaken a two-year botanical research trip around the world. Except in Graz, he also taught in Prague, Vienna, Japan and India. In the Japanese Sendai, he founded together with Hatai Shinkishi the Faculty of Biology at the University of Tohoku. From 1931 to 1937 he was vice-president of the Austrian Academy of Sciences.

Molisch reaction after

The Molisch test is a common carbohydrate detection.

Definition of allelopathy

Still in the year of his death, he defined the biochemical interaction between plants and microorganisms as allelopathy. His definition is still considered modern, where nowadays the microorganisms are excluded.

He is buried in a grave of honor in Vienna's Central Cemetery (Group C 32, Number 14). In 1952 in Vienna Penzing ( 14th district ) was named the Molischgasse after him.
