Harald Hauptmann

Harald Hauptmann ( born April 19, 1936 in Ratkau, district Opava, Czechoslovakia ) is a German prehistorians.


Harald Hauptmann 1964 PhD from the Ruprecht -Karls- University of Heidelberg with the work of the findings of the previous Dimini - time from the Arapi - Magula Thessaly. He was until his retirement Professor of Prehistory and Early History in Heidelberg and at times director of the German Archaeological Institute in Istanbul. Since 1989, he was until his retirement First Director of the Research Unit " Rock Carvings and Inscriptions along the Karakorum Highway " at the Heidelberg Academy of Sciences. During the debate Troy he was among the critics Manfred Korfmann and looked at Troy VI no altanatolisch - ancient oriental residence.

Captain made ​​several excavations in Turkey and Pakistan. He is the author of several monographs on the archeology of Pakistan, the Balkans, Greece and the Middle East. He is a member of the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts (Department of History ).

In the field of historical sciences Hauptmann dealt with the history of the German workers' movement in Nuremberg.
