
The Megalithic Harhoog in Westerland on Sylt has a rectangular barrow in east-west direction with an " extended dolmen " or Rechteckdolmen, as a parallel or longitudinal mooring with semi- high stone entrance for access. It is located on the edge of Watts, but it is no longer in its original location.

It was originally in the " Weenk " said hill east of the grove between Westerland and Tinnum. It was first uncovered in the exploitation of a large sand pit for the construction of the Hindenburg dam in 1925 and studied scientifically for further withdrawals sand for the construction of Nössekoogdeiches 1936. The stone chamber of the giant bed had to be relocated in June 1954 because the area was demolished for the expansion of Sylt airport.

It consists of a grave chamber with a rectangular enclosure, a so-called long-bed, and was built in the Stone Age around 3000 BC by members of the Funnel Beaker Culture ( TBK ). In " Atlas of megalithic Germany " by Ernst Sprockhoff the long bed is listed as " Sprockhoff 5".
