Harro Magnussen


As the son of the painter Christian Carl Magnussen Harrogate received his first lessons in drawing, modeling and carving wood with his father. In 1882 he began an academic education in painting in Munich with Nicholas Gysi, Gabriel von Hackl and Ludwig von Löfftz. Strongly impressed by the works of the Berlin school of sculpture - in particular the Neo-Baroque style of Reinhold Bega - he moved to Berlin in 1888 in the studio of Bega, where he remained five years, and among other things, cooperate at the Kaiser Wilhelm National Monument. Since 1893, self-employed, Magnussen is involved in a number of competitions, but only with moderate success. In contrast portrait busts influenced his work. His Bismarck bust of 1889 should have been ten years later already sold more than 1,000 copies, mostly plaster or bronze. 1899 attracted the attention of artists of Kaiser Wilhelm II, II acquired an executed in marble portrait of a dying Friedrich and charged him with further designs to a statue of the king for the White Hall in the City Palace. With this reputation Magnussen was suddenly known to the public. His memorial group for the Victory Boulevard Berlin brought him as an award of the Royal Order of the Crown IV class.


Harro Magnussen had a marked gift for the characterization of the modeled persons he that gives him a respected position among Berlin's sculptors and the benevolence of the emperor. In an effort to meet in his works of reality, he came across a " rigidity " in representation not get out.

Magnussen difference through committed suicide.



Bismarck in Kiel

Monument Group 20, Victory Boulevard, Berlin 1900

Ditto, for details see image Description

Hermann Allmers in Rechtenfleth

Kaiser Wilhelm I in Bonn (1906 )

John Honterus monument in front of the " Black Church " in Brasov

Thirst for life
