Harry Sauthoff

Harry Sauthoff, Sr. origin. Harry Edward Sauthoff (* June 3, 1879, † June 16, 1966 ), son of a German immigrant, brother of physician and psychiatrist Dr. August Sauthoff was a lawyer and politician in Madison. He studied law at the University of Wisconsin -Madison until 1909 and then worked as a lawyer in Madison. From 1915 - 1919 he was District Attorney of Dane County, Wisconsin. In 1921 he became secretary of Governor John J. Blaine and was a delegate part in the International Conference on the St. Lawrence Deep Waterway.

1925 to 1929 he was a member of the Senate of the State of Wisconsin. In 1934 he was elected as progressives in the U.S. House of Representatives, but not re-elected in 1938. Only in 1940 he succeeded in re-election. In 1944, he ran as an independent candidate for the U.S. Senate, but lost 5.8% of the vote.
