Hartlaub's Turaco

Turaco ( Tauraco hartlaubi )

The Turaco ( Tauraco hartlaubi ), which is also called Hartlaubturako, is a species of bird in the genus of Helmturakos ( Tauraco ) and belongs to the family of Turaco ( Musophagidae ).


The Turaco is about 41 cm tall. He is mostly green, has a blue-black crest and a slightly pronounced bonnet, which is demarcated by a thin white line that extends from the mouth to the ear-coverts columns, down. Before the eyes there is a conspicuous white spot, and he has bare red skin around the eye sockets.

Seidenturakos are resident birds, they live singly or in pairs, and often come in small associations on fruit-bearing trees in front. Mostly they sit high in the foliage on branches or run along.


The Turaco is in eastern Africa, in Kenya, eastern Uganda and north-eastern Tanzania. They prefer the upland forests and adjacent upland areas.
