
The Hasensee (also Hasesee ) is in the Seebach valley in the canton of Thurgau in Switzerland. It is located in the municipality Uesslingen- book, between the villages of book and Uerschhausen, to 434 m above sea level. M.

The lake consists of two parts, which are separated by a 40 m wide forested headland. The eastern basin measures 170 × 400 m and has an area of about 64,000 square meters and a maximum depth of 5.8 m; The western basin measures 170 × 190 m and covers an area of ​​35,000 square meters and a maximum depth of 7.3 m. The effluent flows through a channel in the Hüttwilersee.

About 600 m north are Nussbaumersee and Hüttwilersee. Originally, the area around the three lakes was a moorland with little forest. In the growing battle of the Second World War, the water level of the lakes has been reduced by about 1.5 m and the riverside areas drained, so that they could be used for agriculture.
