
Hauho [ hɑu̯hɔ ] is a former municipality in the southern Finnish landscape Kanta -Häme. At the beginning of 2009, it was amalgamated with the municipalities Kalvola, Lammi, Renko and Tuulos into town Hämeenlinna.

Geography and population

The Kirchdorf Hauho located 32 km north of Hämeenlinna and 63 km southeast of Tampere. The distance to the capital Helsinki is 132 km. In Hauho is the population center of Finland, which is the point to which all residents of Finland have on average the shortest path. Apart from the main town of the same name belonged to the municipality Hauho an area of ​​443.37 km ² (of which 88.84 km ² inland waters). The population was 3,934 last.

The largest population centers ( taajama ) in the former municipality are the Kirchdorf Hauho, Eteläinen and Alvettula. In addition, among the villages Hauho Aikkola, Ajoranta, Apoo, Hahkiala, Hakkala, Hankala, Hauhontausta, Heinäkangas, Hyvikkälä, Hyömäki, Ilmoila, Joki ( Jokioinen ) Juntula, Kalaila, Keso, Kokkala, Kokkila, Kukkola, Kyttälä, Lautsia, Lehdesmäki, Lehtelä, Matkantaka, Miehoila, Mustila, Okerla, Pappila, Porras, Porsoo, Rukkoila, Saha, Sappee, Sotjala, Torvoila, Tuittula, Tuulimylly, Uusikylä, Vihavuosi, Villantila, Vitsiälä and Vuolijoki.


The oldest written mention of Hauho dates back to 1329 At that time the inhabitants of Hauho were due to unpaid church tax of four squirrel skins -. Occupied with excommunication - then the usual currency in Finland. From now on, could not read any more fairs in Hauho, baptized children and no dead are blessed. Marriages had to be closed at the cemetery and the residents were not allowed to shave their beards and their hair and also do not greet each other. So it is little wonder that the residents of Hauho soon gave in and paid their taxes. At this event, the four silver squirrels remember the coat of arms of the municipality.

The stone church of Hauho arose at the beginning of the 16th century. The area surrounding the church, the old church village with its wooden buildings from the 18th and 19th centuries and its narrow streets one of the best preserved village ensembles of Finland.

Sons and daughters

  • Wäinö Wuolijoki (1872-1947), Ambassador and social democratic politician
  • Johan Wilhelm Rangell (1894-1982), sports official, politician and Prime Minister