
Haumia (also Haumia - tiketike ) is in the mythology of Māori in New Zealand, the god of wild plant food. He is brother of Rongo, the god of agriculturally cultivated food. Both are sons of the heavenly couple Rangi and Papa, Father Sky and Mother Earth.

Both brothers live under her mother's father, mother earth protection after they had to look before her angry brother Tāwhirimātea, the god of the winds, protection.

Later, however, they were discovered by Tūmatauenga, the god of war, who also represents humanity. Tūmatauenga saw Haumias hair from the ground look and pulled.

Haumia is particularly associated with fern roots or aruhe, the starchy rhizome of Pteridium esculentum, similar to the bracken, the pre-European period in addition to the kumara ( sweet potato ), represented by Rongo, was an essential part of the food of the Māori.
