
66.51538116666729.036007Koordinaten: 66 ° 31 'N, 29 ° 2' O

Hautajärvi [ hɑu̯tɑjærvi ] is a village in the municipality of Salla in the southeastern Finnish Lapland. Hautajärvi lies almost exactly on the Arctic Circle in the south of Salla, approximately 45 km south of the community center. The ski resort of Ruka is about an hour's drive away.

Hautajärvi has around 270 inhabitants. The village has a bar with a post office, a primary school and a church. The supermarket was closed in 2012. After Ruka is a daily bus service. Important for tourism is Hautajärvi as beginning and end of the Bear Trail, a 80 km long hiking trail through the Oulanka National Park at Oulankajoki, which was founded in 1956 as a national park. At the starting point of the Bear Trail is the Hautajärvi Information Centre, where the nature of the Oulanka National Park is presented.

Near Hautajärvi suspected deposits of uranium, first investigations in 2005 were positive.
