Hauts-Bassins Region

Hauts- basin is one of the 13 regions into which the West African state of Burkina Faso is divided administratively. Capital is Bobo Dioulasso. The region lying to the west includes the provinces of Houet, Kénédougou and Tuy. At 26,606 km ² 1,173,513 inhabitants living ( January 2006). Governor of the region created in 2001 is Bêbrigda Ouedraogo. The Black Volta ( Mouhoun ) rises in Hauts- basins. Due to the humid climate prevails more abundant vegetation than in the remnants of the country. Hauts- basins is clearly industrialized in comparison to the other regions; there are metal-processing operations, food and textile industry. From touristic importance especially Bobo-Dioulasso is the cultural festival Semaine nationale de la culture.

Boucle du Mouhoun | Cascades | Centre | Centre- Est | Centre- Nord | Centre- Ouest | Centre- Sud | Est | Hauts- basins | North | Central Plateau | Sahel | Sud -Ouest

  • Region ( Burkina Faso)
  • Hauts- basins