HD 114762

HD 114762 is the name of a star system in the constellation Coma Berenices. It is about 132 light-years away from Earth. The central star is a metal-poor main-sequence star of spectral type F9, which is surrounded by two companions.

The companion

HD 114762 Ab

The nearer companion HD 114762 Ab orbits the central star at a distance of about 40 million kilometers (about 0.3 AU) and therefore requires about 84 days. Since the orbital inclination of the companion is not yet known, its mass can not be accurately determined. Estimates suggest that there is a substellares object, the minimum mass was determined to be about 10 Jupiter masses. To be classified as a gas giant Planetary would be possible, but planetary scientists believe it is more likely that the companion is a brown dwarf. HD 114762 Ab was discovered in 1989 by the radial velocity method and was the first discovered as a candidate for exoplanets.

HD 114762 B

The more distant companion is about 3.3 arc seconds (about 20 billion miles or 130 AU) from the central star. It is likely to be an object of spectral type M or L.
