HD 121504

HD 121504 is a star of (45 parsecs ) from Earth is 147 light years and an exoplanet (HD 121504 b) has. The star is classified with the spectral GV2 and has, according to initial estimates about the same mass as the sun. The apparent brightness of the star is 7.54 mag and is located in the constellation Centaur ( Centaurus ).

The exoplanet

The mass of the exoplanet HD 121504 b is not yet precisely known, so there is the minimum mass for an unknown Systeminklination as mass of, it is 0.82 Jupiter masses. The mean distance to the circled object is 0.32 astronomical units, the planet needs for a round about 65 days.

  • Yellow Dwarf
  • Individual star fifth size and darker
  • Star with exoplanet