HD 136118

HD 136118 is a main sequence star of spectral type F9 like with an apparent visual magnitude of 6.9. He belongs to Serpens Cauda and is about 50 parsecs ( ie about 150 light years) from the Solar System. The star is orbited by a brown dwarf.

The star has 1.2 times the sun's mass, its radius is 1.7 times greater than that of the sun and its effective temperature is 6200 Kelvin. The star requires approximately 12.2 days for one rotation about its own axis.

Sub-stellar companion

In 2002 published Fischer et al. the discovery of an object using the radial velocity method, which orbits the star with a period of approximately 1200 days and called HD 136118 b was. Due to the minimum mass of about 12 Jupiter masses, the object was an exoplanet candidate. Later, the inclination of the orbit could be determined, resulting in an actual mass of about 42 Jupiter masses revealed which it is the object is a brown dwarf.

  • Individual star fifth size and darker
  • Serpent ( constellation )