HD 197036

HD 197036 is a star with the apparent brightness of 6.614 in the constellation Cygnus. The star is from the earth about 2000 light-years ( 600 parsecs ) away far and is a bluish-white supergiant of spectral type B5IV. The temperature on the stellar surface is 11000-25000 Kelvin. The celestial body is so hot, bigger and brighter than our sun and can be found in star observations near the star Deneb. The star is located at right ascension 20h 39m 23.1285s and declination 45 ° 40 ' 00 881 "

Other names

The star wears depending on the catalog designations HR 7912, BD 45 ° 3233, SAO 49898, HIP 101934, GC 28793, GSC 03574-03107.


  • Individual star fifth size and darker
  • Swan ( constellation )