HD 209458

HD 209458, also known by its variable star designation V376 Pegasi is a star with apparent magnitude 8 likes in the constellation Pegasus. The star is the sun very similar, has the spectral type G0 V and is far away from the Sun 160 light years. 1999 two teams independently discovered the existence of a companion, called HD 209458 b.

Data of the star

The mass of the star is about 110 % of the mass of the sun, the radius is about 1.1 times larger than that of the sun. The surface temperature of 6000 Kelvin produces a 1.6 -fold brighter than the luminosity of the sun. The age of the star is estimated at 4-7 billion years for the rotation around its own axis takes 14.4 days.

Data of the companion

Main article: HD 209458 b

The Planet Named HD 209458 b is in the focus of research because at first investigations strong evidence for water vapor were found. The mass of the planet is 69 % of the mass of Jupiter. With an orbital radius of 0.045 AE it orbits its host star 8 times more dense than Mercury. A revolution takes only three and a half days.


  • Individual star fifth size and darker
  • Pegasus ( constellation )
  • Star with exoplanet
  • Variable star