HD 222582

HD 222582 is a star in the constellation Aquarius, which from the earth is about 42 parsecs (about 136 light-years ) away. Already in 1999 by Vogt et al. discovered a sub-stellar companion using the radial velocity method, which was given the designation HD 222582 b and in which it is an exoplanet candidates.

The star belongs to the spectral type G5 and has an apparent magnitude of 7.7 mag. He has about the same mass as the Sun and its radius is about 1.2 solar radii.

Exoplanet candidate

HD 222582 b has an orbital period of 572 days. The path of the object has a high eccentricity of about 0.7 and has a semi-major axis of about 1.4 astronomical units. The minimum mass of HD 222582 b is about 7.8 Jupiter masses.


  • Exoplanet.eu: HD 222582
  • OBSPM: HD 222582
  • The planet at Planeten.ch
  • Individual star fifth size and darker
  • Aquarius ( constellation )
  • Star with exoplanet