HD 69830 d

HD 69830 d is an exoplanet of the main sequence star HD 69830 orbits every 197 days. Due to its high mass is assumed that it is a gas planet.


As the majority of exoplanets was also discovered that using the radial velocity method. The planet was from Christophe Lovis et al. discovered in 2006.

Circulation and mass

The planet orbits its star at a distance of approximately 0.63 astronomical units and has a mass of about 18.12 Earth masses and 0.057 Jupiter masses. Its radius is estimated to 19,000 km.

Climate and composition

It is estimated that there is on the planet a temperature of 7 ° C. It is thus in the temperature range of the habitable zone. Because it is a gas planet, however, is life as we know it to foreclose on him. There can be no large moon, on which there could be a life-friendly environment because seen from the path data that the planet may be orbiting only a very small mass. It is assumed that an atmosphere with water vapor clouds.
