
Hebi (鹤壁 市) is a prefecture-level city in Henan Province of the People's Republic of China. Hebi has an area of ​​2299 km ² and approximately 1.46 million inhabitants ( end of 2003). The city is situated in mountainous surroundings and is the seat of a Catholic bishop. In Hebi Putonghua is spoken.

Administrative Divisions

At county level, Hebi is composed of three municipalities and two counties. These are:

  • Municipality Qibin (淇滨 区), 295 km ², 140,000 inhabitants, center, seat of the city government;
  • Municipality Shancheng (山 城区), 176 km ², 250,000 inhabitants;
  • City Heshan District (鹤山 区), 159 km ², 130,000 inhabitants;
  • Circle Xun (浚县), 1088 km ², 680,000 inhabitants, capital: greater community Chengguan (城关 镇);
  • Circle Qi (淇县), 581 km ², 260,000 inhabitants, capital: greater community Chaoge (朝歌 镇).

35.9114.2Koordinaten: 35 ° 54 'N, 114 ° 12'

Anyang | Hebi | Jiaozuo | Jiyuan | Kaifeng | Luohe | Luoyang | Nanyang | Pingdingshan | Puyang | Sanmenxia | Shangqiu | Xinxiang | Xinyang | Xuchang | Zhengzhou | Zhoukou | Zhumadian

  • Place in Henan
  • District -free city (China)
  • Million city