Heckling comb

The hackle is a comb-like, fabricated from sharp wires agricultural equipment through which flax and hemp fibers for cleaning ( Panting ) are drawn. The word derives from the same root as the hook, which points to the combing of the fibers attached hook. Modern fiber processing machines also build on the traditional processes, but use mechanical pulping lines, where the breaking of, swing and Panting is implemented mechanically in suitable steps.


The fibers are in accordance with the corrugations breaking ( a breaker ) and the wings, in which comminuted wood parts becoming separated from the fibers, purified, and prepared for spinning. When Panting they are parallelized, the bast fibers longitudinally split and purified by short fibers. This produced during panting coarse fiber residues are called tow.

Panting as a step in the textile processing of hemp fibers
