Hector Hodler Library

2006, the relocation period

The library Hector Hodler ( BHH; Esperanto: Biblioteko Hector Hodler ) is the library of the Universal Esperanto Association ( UEA ) at the registered office of the Central Office in Rotterdam. This includes the archive of the Federation, the Arkivo de UEA. With over 30,000 bibliographic units, the BHH is one of the largest Esperanto libraries in the world.


Swiss period

When the Swiss Esperanto Society was founded in 1903, gathered in the office in Bern magazines and books: As the Company had its own magazine, she swapped them out with others and received books for the purpose of review. 1908 hit Edward Stettler before, this will be a Swiss Esperanto library. 1912 acquired Hector Hodler, the then Director of the Universal Esperanto Association in Geneva this library.

After the early death of Hodler 1920, the collection was the Biblioteko de UEA. Even after the major disputes in 1936 - when the national associations of the UEA broke away and walked away even most members - remained the library in Geneva at the UEA. In the basement of the Palais Wilson, they survived the Second World War.

Dutch period since 1960

When in 1947 the Esperanto movement was reunited under the old name UEA, the library was named Hector Hodler Biblioteko. Since there was controversy with the supervisor Hans Jacob, the collection was not until after 1960 gradually to the central office, which was now in Rotterdam. Over time, the books and magazines grew to more and more, and the library were assigned to other rooms.

The new board of 2001, some basic questions to the office in Rotterdam and was also thinking of moving to. In June 2003 came the decision to stay in Rotterdam, but to renovate the office and partly rebuild. 2006 the library moved to another part of the building, the previous Zamenhof salon.

Collection contents

The library Hector Hodler, collects books and magazines that have to do with the planned language Esperanto, and have been published in that language. In part, it 's also about other planned languages ​​and related subjects such as language policy and international cooperation. There is also a photo archive, posters and audiovisual media.

Pictures of Hector Hodler Library
