

Lake Nature Reserve Holy Sea - Heupen

The Heideweiher is a shallow pond in the nature reserve Holy Sea - Heupen.


The nature reserve has several Erdfallseen and vast heathland. This area is particularly worthy of protection due to its nutrient- poor soils and waters, since under these conditions there is a high diversity of rare animals and plants.

The Heideweiher is like the Erdfallsee solely on the ground of the community Hopsten. Only a few meters to the southwest of the conservation area of ​​the district begins Uffeln the city Ibbenbüren. To the west, which belongs to warrior village Obersteinbeck connects.


The origin of the Heath pond is still not clear properly. In the past it was assumed that it was formed by a flat reduction as several ponds in the nature reserve as well. But he could also, as it is " customary " for Heideweiher be caused by Sandausblasung.


Until a few decades of Heideweiher was a periodically desiccating, oligotrophic ( mineral- poor ) waters. He is like most scours rainwater fed in a nature reserve and has no contact with groundwater. This separation from the groundwater by means of extending the area under local stone benches that form a water-impermeable layer.

Disruption of artificial water dehydrating conditions to be stabilized water regime and he developed an increasingly dystrophic character. This dystrophic character indicates that the waters increasingly enriched humic acid and slowly developed into a fen. Increased siltation due to the no longer possible rotting, accompany this development. At the bottom of the heath pond, the soil type Dy accumulates, a nutrient-poor, hummusdurchsetzter brown mud floor.

Living things in the lake

The hydro- chemical alteration of the lake drew a change in the plant world by itself. Oligothraphente species such as the beach Ling and water lobelia were displaced by dystrohphente.
