Heiko Engelkes

Heiko Engelke ( born April 1, 1933, North, East Frisia, † November 6, 2008 in Cologne ) was a German journalist.


After graduation, he took off in his native city in 1952, Heiko Engelke studied 1952-1955 in Wilhelmshaven, Hamburg and Berlin, law, political science and journalism. He subsequently moved as a Fulbright student at the William Allan White School of Journalism at Kansas University.

His journalistic career began in 1956 as a freelancer for the radio program of the North German Radio and the German General Sunday paper. In 1960 he transferred to the West German Radio, where he became an employee of the evening news - editorial. In 1965 he took over its management.

As a correspondent for the ARD in 1974 he went to Paris, where he managed from 1978, the studio of the TV station. After five years, he returned in 1983 returned to Germany and became second editor of ARD-aktuell, the central television newsroom ARD. In 1991 he took a second time the line of the ARD studios in Paris and remained there until his retirement in 1998.

In recent ARD issues of the day before the German reunification, on 2 October 1990, Engelke said the traditional comment before an audience of millions of East and West. This he began with the words: "I can not cheer so right and I will afterwards, when this program is over, and burn no fireworks The word" Germany united fatherland ' 'm reluctant lips.. " Emblematic is Engelke ' comment as a piece of history for the associated with the reunification of concerns about the status of acting now as part of the Federal Republic, but much weaker established five new countries and their citizens.

Heiko Engelke died in the late evening of 6 November 2008 following a cancer suffering.


  • Mitterrand, seen up close. Econ, Munich 1983, ISBN 3,430,125,200th
  • Bonjour, Paris - France with my life. Luebbe, 1999, ISBN 3,785,709,862th
  • King Jacques - Chirac's France. Building, Berlin 2005, ISBN 335102598X.
  • Ségolène Royal. Building, Berlin 2007, ISBN 335102648X.

