Heimann Hariton Tiktin

Hariton Tiktin ( born August 9, 1850 in Breslau, † March 13, 1936 in Berlin) was a German - Romanian linguist, Rumänist, grammarian and lexicographer.

Life and work

Heimann Tiktin grew up in a family of rabbis in Wroclaw. In 1869 he went to Iasi in Romania, where he married and became Romanian citizens. He studied at the University of Leipzig ( in the neogrammarians ) and received his doctorate in 1884 with studies of Romanian philology ( 2 vols, Leipzig 1884; Vol.2: Influence of ú and j on neighboring sounds ). In Iaşi, he was a high school teacher of Latin and German, but occurred mainly with major grammatical and lexicographical works out for Romanian.

Heimann 1900 Tiktin converted to Christianity and took the name Hariton. From 1912 to 1925 he was at the Humboldt University of Berlin lecturer in Romanian and taught there beside language practice and historical grammar of the Romanian language and Romanian history. In 1919 he was appointed an honorary member of the Romanian Academy.

Tiktin was the grandfather of the painter Lola Schmierer Roth ( 1893-1981 ).


  • The Romanian language, in: Gustav Grober (ed.), floor plan of the Romance Philology 1, Strasbourg 1888, pp. 438-460; 2nd edition ud T. grammar of the Romanian language, 1905, pp. 564-607
  • Manual de ortografia Romina, Iaşi 1889
  • Gramatica Romina pentru învăţămîntul secundar, teorie şi practica, Iasi 1893; 2 vols, 1895; ed. Ion Aurel Candrea, Bucharest 1945
  • Romanian- German dictionary. Dictionar - italiano German, 3 vols, Bucharest 1903-1925 1 (A - C), 1903 ( first delivery 1895)
  • 2 ( D - O ), 1911
  • 3 (P - Z ), 1925