Heinrich Frey

Johann Friedrich Heinrich Konrad Frey ( born June 15, 1822 in Frankfurt am Main, † January 17, 1890 in Upper Rhinestone, now Zurich ) was a Swiss physician, anatomist and zoologist.

Heinrich Frey studied 1840-45 in Vienna, Bonn, Berlin and Göttingen Medicine, was at the latter university assistant in the physiological institute and in 1848 professor of histology and comparative anatomy in Zurich, where he was also professor of zoology at the Polytechnic School. Frey is one of the first Mikrolepidopterologen Germany.

Works (selection)

  • Textbook of Zootomie ( animal anatomy ) by Rudolf Wagner the second band, which covers the invertebrates ( with Rudolf Leuckart, Leipz 1847. );
  • Contributions to the knowledge of invertebrates ( with Leuckart, Braunschw 1847. );
  • Histology and histochemistry of man ( Leipzig 1859, 5th edition 1875);
  • The microscope and microscopic techniques ( 8th edition, Leipzig 1886);
  • Broad Histology ( 3rd edition, Leipzig, 1885. );
  • The Tineen and Pterophoren Switzerland ( Zurich 1856);
  • Switzerland's Lepidoptera, among other things, he published numerous entomological work in the Linnaea entomologica and in conjunction with Stainton in London, also in the Journal of the Swiss Entomological Society, whose president he was repeatedly ( Leipz. 1880).