Heinrich Roller

Christian Heinrich Roller ( born March 10, 1839 in Berlin, † September 6, 1916 ibid ) was the founder of a German Stenografiesystems.

Life and work

Heinrich Roller prepared himself during his apprenticeship as a carpenter for a career of drawing teacher. In Berlin he learned Artisans' Association in 1859, designed by Arends shorthand which he later improved significantly. His system was released in 1875 and was maintained even 17 years later of about 200 clubs with 4,500 members in various foreign languages.

In addition, scooter wrote humorous articles under the pseudonym Roland from the high plateau.


His grave is in the cemetery of free religious community in Poplar Avenue in Berlin- Prenzlauer Berg. Since its formation in 1866 as named Heinersdorfer street was renamed in his honor in Heinrich-Roller - road in the same district of Berlin on 25 November 1925. The occasion was at that time the 50th anniversary of the scooter 's shorthand.

In a memorial service at the meeting of the Association of German shorthand systems from 14 to 18 July 2006, the stenographers an appreciation of the life and work of Heinrich Roller as a man, stenographer, Social, Recreational Religious, writer and poet of the people.


  • Humorous memories from the old Berlin. A trip entertaining and instructive stories from the middle of this century. 4th ed Berlin: Self-published by the author, nd; Reproduction (edited to commemorative event marking the 90th anniversary of the death ), Berlin 2006
  • Full course a simple -to-learn in a few hours shorthand for the school, correspondence and parliamentary use. 26th edition, Berlin: Self-published by the author, 1889.