Heinrich Rubens

Heinrich Rubens ( born March 30, 1865 in Wiesbaden, † July 17, 1922 in Berlin) was a German physicist.

Rubens visited the Frankfurt secondary school " Wöhlerschule " and took in 1884 at the Technical University of Darmstadt on the study of electrical engineering, which he continued in Berlin. In 1885 he changed the subject and studied physics to switch the spring of 1886 to Strasbourg. In Strasbourg he heard above all the lectures of August Kundt, in which he received his doctorate in Berlin in 1888. In 1892 he was able to habilitation at the University of Berlin.

From 1892 he taught as a lecturer and from 1895 as a lecturer in physics at the University of Berlin, was from 1900 as a professor at the Technische Hochschule Berlin- Charlottenburg, then from 1903 at the Military Technical Academy in Berlin and then again in 1906 at the Berlin University. In 1907 he became a full member of the Prussian Academy of Sciences in 1908 corresponding member of the Academy of Sciences in Göttingen and in 1918 a corresponding member of the Bavarian Academy of Sciences.

Rubens worked on electromagnetic radiation, particularly in the infrared. In 1900 he proved by measurements that the Wien law does not apply to the long-wavelength region. These detailed studies on the black body radiation were essential to the origins of quantum theory with Max Planck. He also developed the eponymous Rubens flame tube.

Rubens was buried in the old St. Matthew's Cemetery in Berlin -Schöneberg. The tomb is one of the graves honor the State of Berlin.
